Today on this blog I'm going to switch it up a bit. I usually type how my day went first and then how Human Geography went but I'm going to flip flop it today. So in Honors Human Geography we had a pretty hard test. I was the first person to finish and it was kind of scary. Everyone was working and I was finished so I think I might have gotten a bad grade on it. I'm nervous to see the results. I also got caught playing a game on my computer. I thought it would be okay to play a game because I finished my test and I didn't what else to do. Mr. Schick let it slide this time but next time it will be a detention. I decided I'd write my blog which is what I'm doing right now and thats why I cant write about how my day went because I haven't gotten through it yet. I'm just nervous about the grade I got on this test.
        My day started off great because I ate a little bit of my chocolate cake. It was probably the best breakfast I've had in a while. I walked to school and talk to my friends in the morning as always do. I had a few tests today and I feel confident in my answers (kind of.) Baseball starts tomorrow and yesterday I was supposed to start weight training but we switched days so it begins today now. I'm always tired at school so now I'm going to be even more tired due to weight training. I'm also going to be practicing for the home run derby this weekend. I'm hoping to take the win in my age group. If I don't win I want to hit at least a couple home runs. I can't wait for what these week has to offer.


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