Test Day

        Today has been a successful day. I woke up and kind of rushed to get ready. I have been getting worse and worse at getting up in the morning. I think it is because it is getting to that time of year where it is dark out in the morning. I love being able to get up in the morning by myself and go to school by myself but it can be challenging. Tomorrow is the end of the quarter and I'm happy with my grades. I'm also happy because I have gotten perfect attendance for the quarter which has never happened to me before. It is good that I can walk to school now because I used to have a problem with being late and now it is almost impossible for me to be late. One day I accidentally got up at 7:27 and I still made it to school at 7:43. That day I thought I was going to be late but I rushed and pushed myself to go and I got up, took a 3 minute shower, took 5 minutes to get dressed, and another 3 minutes to get a glass of milk and brush my teeth. Once I was ready to go I sprinted to school. That was a pretty rough morning but I made it to school on time and thats all that matters. I have enjoyed my first Quarter at The John Carroll School.
        In Honors Human Geography we had a test today. Everyone was freaking out about it and spamming the class group chat but I didn't study at all. That was probably I really bad idea but I think I did decent on the test. All of the multiple choice were fairly easy but the essay is what I'm scared of. I'm not sure if I wrote enough on the essay but I think I'll be alright. I'm anxious to see what I get. I'm hoping it doesn't bring my B down to a C or D. Maybe if I got a 100 it will bring my grade up to an A. I would love to have an A for Human Geography just like any one else. I'm confident that I did well and it won't bring my grade down. We'll just have to wait and see.


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