Its Thursday, the second best day of the week. Today the its Thursday song was played with a harmonica. It was pretty cool to hear a new instrument in the mix. Mr. Schick wasn't playing in the its Thursday group today which is unfortunate. Lately my baseball schedule has been very busy and its not even baseball season yet. On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays I have weight training. On Wednesdays I have two baseball practices; one with the school and a pitching lesson later in the evening. On Fridays I have a Chalk Talk with the school baseball team where we learn about the mental part of baseball. I've been getting the know the baseball players better and get along with them. 
        Honors Human Geography was pretty cool today. First we had a pop quiz that wasn't very cool and then we did something that was cool.  Mr. Schick showed us a website where we can see anything about any country and its amazing how much information it has. Aiden shared a game called Geoguessr with the class and that was pretty cool. When I'm done writing this blog I'm probably going to play it. Today was a good day and tomorrow will hopefully we an outstanding Friday.


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