
        Alright so today I had a great day. But lately Ive been slacking on the blogs and its just because I keep forgetting about them because of there homework. Im going to start consistently doing them again. But today I woke up and ate a piece of cake for breakfast and went to school just like any other day except for the fact that it was out of uniform. I love out of uniform days because they are just so comfortable. I still love JC and it is going good. I'm getting closer with the baseball coaches and I'm getting to know them better.
        I'm pretty upset because I found out that in the second semester I will no longer have Mr. Schick and all of my classmates. Mr. Schick is my favorite teacher and it sucks that I have to leave his class. Currently we are talking about population pyramids in class and its kind of scary to look into the future of the graphs. Its just really weird to see your generation go up and up and up and then gone. Today was a good day.


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