I read the essay “A message to Garcia” and it was kind of hard to understand. Once Mr. Schick explained it I understood much better. I can agree with Elbert Hubbard and I really do think if someone is going to have a job they should do it and do it right. When you are a worker at a store and someone asks for help to find something, the worker can’t just say, “can’t you just find it?” The worker has to help the person find what they are looking for. It is just like the man Rowan who had to deliver the letter to General Garcia. When Rowan was asked to deliver the letter, he said, “yes sir.” He went by foot through a jungle and walked the terrain of Cuba but some worker at a store can’t help someone find something. I have run into people who work well and people who are lazy in my fourteen years of life.
            During my freshman year I’m not going to be that lazy worker at the store that won’t help anyone. I’m to work my best to get honor roll. I’m going to have to study hard and get all of my work done on time. I will do my homework when I get home and do it well. I will also try to get most of my homework done in off mods. I will get everything done so that I will have time to hang out with friends. I just need to stay on task and get things done. When I get older I will have to be one of the workers that gets things done rather the ones who are lazy. 


  1. I think you have a pretty good understanding of Hubbard's essay, which you have picked up through the experiences of your "fourteen years of life." I give you 50/50 points on your essay. The Action Plan is a little bit vague and a tad confusing, to the point where I'm not sure you even have five points. A few points off for the lack of detail and clarity, giving you 43/50. Total for the assignment: 93/100.


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