Today I had my first day at The John Carroll School. This school is great and I have a feeling it will stay close to me throughout my life. It took a lot of hard work to get in but I'm finally here and now I just have to continue that hard work through high school. Over the summer I got to meet some of the John Carroll baseball coaches and players and I hope they help me get to the next level in baseball.

My first day was pretty good. I started off by walking to school in the rain which wasn't very fun. Once I arrived at school I got my locker number and combination. I got all the books I needed and headed off to my first mod with my favorite teacher so far, Mr. Schick. I went throughout the day getting to know my teachers better and got a good amount of homework. After my day I had to walk back to my house in the rain and here I am writing this blog. I had a good first day and I'm excited for the rest if the year.


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