Today I had a pretty good day in Human Geography. It was pretty funny because one of my good friends, Vlad, didn't complete his blog because the website was being weird. He had to create a new blog and had to send the new web address to Mr. Schick. Unfortunately Mr. Schick's email wasn't working and couldn't receive the email. I knew for a fact that Vlad completed his blog but the website being weird. Vlad is one of the best students I know and he always completes things on time. I felt bad for him during this class because he has to rewrite that blog which is unfortunate.
        In Human Geo we also went over the class syllabus. I was happy when we went over projects because I learned that we do group projects. Vlad, Owen, and I decided that we would all work together on those because we've all know each other for years. This will be a good group and we will get things accomplished and get good grades. I'm excited to see what my future is like at John Carroll.


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