Today was a same old Monday. I was very tired throughout the day and it was slow. Nothing really happened today. I got up, took a shower, and brushed my teeth and walked to school at 7:20 like I do every day. I guess I walked a little bit faster than normal because I got to school a little bit early. In Biology we got kind of lucky because we had a sub so all we had to do was a worksheet and then we could do what ever we wanted after that. I got some homework done in my off-mod which is always nice and just pushed through the rest of my day.
        In Honors Human Geography we went over what we should be doing with our blogs and how we can improve. One of my classmates broke his finger badly and had to get surgery on it last week and he's stuck in a cast. His name is Aiden and he is one of my friends. His cast looks like an oven mitt that he can't take off which is pretty funny but I hope he gets better. All in all it was pretty slow day and I hope I have more to write about tomorrow.


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