Today was another ok day. It was raining today but not when I was on my way to school. The day started off great with a first period off mod. All of my morning classes went great but after lunch I started to get the same fatigue that I had yesterday. I was also worried because the rain started to pick up and I was scared that I wouldn't be able to get home because I walk. Lucky enough I asked my fellow Saint Margaret graduate, Vlad Chervenkov, for a ride and they took me home. I am very lucky that they did so. I was pretty bummed that it was raining because I was supposed to go to batting practice with the John Carroll baseball team.
        Human Geography was ok today. I was just very tired because it was in the second half of the day. At the beginning of the class one of our students explained that he left his laptop at home. When he told Mr. Schick that he didn't have his laptop, I checked if I had mine. It was weird because when I looked for it I didn't see it with my books and I thought that I just had it. I then told Mr. Schick that I didn't have my laptop either, but that it was in my locker and not at home. I got my laptop soon after and proceeded on to getting my notes.  Today was a decent day but I hope tomorrow is better.


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