Today was a good day. Last night was a different story though. I had to sleep with my dog and I wasn't able to fall asleep until 11:30 and I woke up at 5:00 A.M. and couldn't fall back asleep until 6:00 A.M. Throughout the day I was very tired because of this and I don't think I'll be sleeping with my dog anymore. I woke up on time, took a shower, and got dressed. I went to school and talked with some friends in the morning. I was excited to get home all day because I was downloading a video game on my Xbox while I was at school. It was a good day.
        In Honors Human Geography we had to draw two different maps from our memory. We had to draw a world map and a map of how we get to school. The one where we draw how we get to school was easy from me because I walk to school so its not that far. Mr. Schick finally got an AC unit in his room so now it is cool and people can't complain. Now people are probably going to start complaining about how cold it is. Human Geography was fun today.


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