Today was probably the best day that I have had at The John Carroll School so far. I practically had two off mods because in Honors Human Geography, Mr. Schick let us do home work in his class but i'll get to that later. When I woke up this morning I was very tired after the weekend and it was hard for me to get up. Eventually I had to force myself up because I am home alone in the mornings and if I didn't wake up then there would be no one to wake me up. I got up and took a shower and was excited for my first period off mod. In that off mod I studied my prayer which I needed to memorize for Honor Spanish. I studied that and later in the I presented it and got a 100%. I went home and my dad had to come home from work late today, so when he got home we had to leave a half-hour later to go to weight training. When I got home I started to write my blog and that's where I am right now. Let's transition into the next paragraph about the best class, Honors Human Geography.
        In Human Geography a lot of people were complaining about how hot it was in the classroom. In my opinion it wasn't as hot as they were saying but it was a bit warm, nothing to die over though. Mr. Schick said that he had to grade some tests and that we could do homework the whole class. It was so nice because it was kind of like a second off mod and it gave me time to study more for of the Spanish prayer. I'm really nervous about my grade on the test because I didn't feel confident while taking it. I'll just have to see what I get when Mr. Schick is done grading. It was pretty good day and I'm excited for excited for what the rest of the week has to offer.


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