Today wasn't one of the best days for me. I was really tired all day and sore as well. Over the weekend I rode four wheelers most of the time and this caused my legs to be really sore. Yesterday I also rolled my go-cart and it hurt a a little. My seat belt was broken and it is the kind that goes over both arms and buckles in the middle. The buckle doesn't work anymore so I just put it around my arms. I was going down a hill and went for the hardest I possibly could. I yanked the wheel and I started to roll. The seat belt held me in but not very well so I put my hands up and touched the ground. That was really dumb because when I did that the go-cart rolled over my hand. My leg also slammed against the roll bar and now I have a big bruise on my shin. I was sore for those reasons and it didn't help that I was really tired as well. 
        I had a pretty good day in human geo. I always do have a pretty good time there because it is my favorite class and normally the highlight of my day. The classroom was very hot and most of the students were complaining about it. I just tried to forget about it and focus on my work. We went over some A Message to Garcia things and it was pretty interesting. Throughout this lesson Mr. Schick told us some stories about how he did nice things while in Boston. We learned about how we have to be excellent and good people. It was a pretty good class and I hope it stays like this throughout the year.


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