Monday Funday

        The reason I titled this blog with "Monday Funday" is because today was the first day of spirit week. The freshman had to dress as babies but I was not doing that and I never will. Some people were very creative with their baby costumes and it was pretty funny. Some people went all out and wore diapers to school. The seniors had dress as senior citizens and one of the seniors in my advisory had a great costume. When she walked in to advisory everyone thought she was an actual teacher and then we realized that it was her costume. Everyone was asking me where my school spirit is and I was wearing me uniform which has a JC logo on it so technically I have more spirit than them. 
        In Honors Human Geography we didn't have as much complaining as usual today but we still had a fair amount. I was surprised that the honors class had a lower average on the pop quiz than the regular class. Vlad and I were the only two in our class to get 100s. When Mr. Schick rang the bell twice when he called my name it made me happy. Everyone was surprised that I got a 100 and so was I. We took notes on some things and people complained about it and we also did a group activity. When Mr. Schick said it was a group activity I was surprised and looked right at Vlad. We are almost done This group work.


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