Tropical Day

        Today was tropical/Hawaiian day. I wore my Diamond Pros jersey which is Hawaiian themed. Everyone that plays baseball and knew that my jersey was a DP jersey called me out for wearing it. At JC I had baseball practice today and it went very well. I hit a good hit with my wood bat which is good. In the field I made some good plays but I need to improve in the field. I have been hitting farther because I started doing weight training and that has made me stronger already in three weeks. I can't wait until the season starts because I am ready to roll even though it's October. After the JC practice I had to go to my weekly pitching lesson that I do during the off-season. I have been going to this coach for four years. He is a great coach and always knows how to help me improve my skill level.
        In Honors Human Geography we had a good class. No one complained a whole lot like normal. When I first walked into the classroom this morning it was very cold. When I noticed how cold it was I instantly thought people would complain about it. We worked on our group work and finished and we are going to go over that next class. We had to let Aiden join because he wasn't there the day we got our groups. We were able finish and I'm happy that were. Today was an outstanding day.


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