

        Alright so today I had a great day. But lately Ive been slacking on the blogs and its just because I keep forgetting about them because of there homework. Im going to start consistently doing them again. But today I woke up and ate a piece of cake for breakfast and went to school just like any other day except for the fact that it was out of uniform. I love out of uniform days because they are just so comfortable. I still love JC and it is going good. I'm getting closer with the baseball coaches and I'm getting to know them better.         I'm pretty upset because I found out that in the second semester I will no longer have Mr. Schick and all of my classmates. Mr. Schick is my favorite teacher and it sucks that I have to leave his class. Currently we are talking about population pyramids in class and its kind of scary to look into the future of the graphs. Its just really weird to see your generation go up and up and up and then gone. Today was a good day.      

Test Day

        Today has been a successful day. I woke up and kind of rushed to get ready. I have been getting worse and worse at getting up in the morning. I think it is because it is getting to that time of year where it is dark out in the morning. I love being able to get up in the morning by myself and go to school by myself but it can be challenging. Tomorrow is the end of the quarter and I'm happy with my grades. I'm also happy because I have gotten perfect attendance for the quarter which has never happened to me before. It is good that I can walk to school now because I used to have a problem with being late and now it is almost impossible for me to be late. One day I accidentally got up at 7:27 and I still made it to school at 7:43. That day I thought I was going to be late but I rushed and pushed myself to go and I got up, took a 3 minute shower, took 5 minutes to get dressed, and another 3 minutes to get a glass of milk and brush my teeth. Once I was ready to go I sprinted


        Its Thursday, the second best day of the week. Today the its Thursday song was played with a harmonica. It was pretty cool to hear a new instrument in the mix. Mr. Schick wasn't playing in the its Thursday group today which is unfortunate. Lately my baseball schedule has been very busy and its not even baseball season yet. On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays I have weight training. On Wednesdays I have two baseball practices; one with the school and a pitching lesson later in the evening. On Fridays I have a Chalk Talk with the school baseball team where we learn about the mental part of baseball. I've been getting the know the baseball players better and get along with them.          Honors Human Geography was pretty cool today. First we had a pop quiz that wasn't very cool and then we did something that was cool.  Mr. Schick showed us a website where we can see anything about any country and its amazing how much information it has. Aiden shared a game called Geog

Tropical Day

        Today was tropical/Hawaiian day. I wore my Diamond Pros jersey which is Hawaiian themed. Everyone that plays baseball and knew that my jersey was a DP jersey called me out for wearing it. At JC I had baseball practice today and it went very well. I hit a good hit with my wood bat which is good. In the field I made some good plays but I need to improve in the field. I have been hitting farther because I started doing weight training and that has made me stronger already in three weeks. I can't wait until the season starts because I am ready to roll even though it's October. After the JC practice I had to go to my weekly pitching lesson that I do during the off-season. I have been going to this coach for four years. He is a great coach and always knows how to help me improve my skill level.         In Honors Human Geography we had a good class. No one complained a whole lot like normal. When I first walked into the classroom this morning it was very cold. When I noticed

Monday Funday

        The reason I titled this blog with "Monday Funday" is because today was the first day of spirit week. The freshman had to dress as babies but I was not doing that and I never will. Some people were very creative with their baby costumes and it was pretty funny. Some people went all out and wore diapers to school. The seniors had dress as senior citizens and one of the seniors in my advisory had a great costume. When she walked in to advisory everyone thought she was an actual teacher and then we realized that it was her costume. Everyone was asking me where my school spirit is and I was wearing me uniform which has a JC logo on it so technically I have more spirit than them.          In Honors Human Geography we didn't have as much complaining as usual today but we still had a fair amount. I was surprised that the honors class had a lower average on the pop quiz than the regular class. Vlad and I were the only two in our class to get 100s. When Mr. Schick rang th

Jason is Crazy

        Today was really funny to say the least. One of the exchange students (Jason) was spinning his MacBook on his finger like a basketball. I was just sitting at my lunch table and I turned around I saw him spinning it on his finger. I couldn't believe and everyone was recording it. The funniest thing, is that he was so proud of himself and his amazing trick. Thees was another thing that was funny that happened to me today. There is a kid named Luis at my weight training thing and is hilarious. When I'm doing a workout he makes this hilarious laugh and it makes me crack up every time. I told him he should go to John Carroll next year because he is currently in 8th grade and he said' "John who?" I don't know why but it was hilarious. Luis is one of the funniest kids I've ever met.         In Honors Human Geography we talked about how areas are different in ways of weather, culture, and land. Mr. Schick told us about how it looked weird to him when we e

Notes With the Sub

Geographers can describe the location by site, which is the physical character of a place. Important site characteristics include, climate, water sources, topography, soil, vegetation, latitude and elevation. Situation- the location of a place relative to other places Situation is a valuable way to indicate location, for two reasons: 1. Situation helps us to find an unfamiliar place by comparing its location with a familiar one 2. Situation helps us understand the importance of a location. For example, some places are important because they are accessible to other places due to their location.