
Showing posts from September, 2017

Jason is Crazy

        Today was really funny to say the least. One of the exchange students (Jason) was spinning his MacBook on his finger like a basketball. I was just sitting at my lunch table and I turned around I saw him spinning it on his finger. I couldn't believe and everyone was recording it. The funniest thing, is that he was so proud of himself and his amazing trick. Thees was another thing that was funny that happened to me today. There is a kid named Luis at my weight training thing and is hilarious. When I'm doing a workout he makes this hilarious laugh and it makes me crack up every time. I told him he should go to John Carroll next year because he is currently in 8th grade and he said' "John who?" I don't know why but it was hilarious. Luis is one of the funniest kids I've ever met.         In Honors Human Geography we talked about how areas are different in ways of weather, culture, and land. Mr. Schick told us about how it looked weird to him when we e

Notes With the Sub

Geographers can describe the location by site, which is the physical character of a place. Important site characteristics include, climate, water sources, topography, soil, vegetation, latitude and elevation. Situation- the location of a place relative to other places Situation is a valuable way to indicate location, for two reasons: 1. Situation helps us to find an unfamiliar place by comparing its location with a familiar one 2. Situation helps us understand the importance of a location. For example, some places are important because they are accessible to other places due to their location.


        Today was a same old Monday. I was very tired throughout the day and it was slow. Nothing really happened today. I got up, took a shower, and brushed my teeth and walked to school at 7:20 like I do every day. I guess I walked a little bit faster than normal because I got to school a little bit early. In Biology we got kind of lucky because we had a sub so all we had to do was a worksheet and then we could do what ever we wanted after that. I got some homework done in my off-mod which is always nice and just pushed through the rest of my day.         In Honors Human Geography we went over what we should be doing with our blogs and how we can improve. One of my classmates broke his finger badly and had to get surgery on it last week and he's stuck in a cast. His name is Aiden and he is one of my friends. His cast looks like an oven mitt that he can't take off which is pretty funny but I hope he gets better. All in all it was pretty slow day and I hope I have more to writ
        Today was great. My friend from my old baseball team came to shadow today and I was his host. It was great and I hope he gets to come to John Carrol next year. He was so lucky because he got Mr. Siler as his interviewer and he is the baseball coach. I would have loved to have Mr. Siler as my interviewer on my shadow day. My friend told me that he had a great day at John Carroll today. I am currently doing this blog at 11:30 and if I don't finish by 12:00 then I don't get credit. I'm going to move on to Honors Human Geography.         Human Geo was good today but I would have liked to have my shadow come with me to that class. Human Geo is always a great day to start off the day because Mr. Schick is so nice and funny.  In class we turned in our mental maps, took notes, and also got our tests back. I got B on the test which surprised me because I struggled. Im glad I was able to get a good grade on it. The whole class I was so eager to get out so I could go pick my
        Today was a good day. Last night was a different story though. I had to sleep with my dog and I wasn't able to fall asleep until 11:30 and I woke up at 5:00 A.M. and couldn't fall back asleep until 6:00 A.M. Throughout the day I was very tired because of this and I don't think I'll be sleeping with my dog anymore. I woke up on time, took a shower, and got dressed. I went to school and talked with some friends in the morning. I was excited to get home all day because I was downloading a video game on my Xbox while I was at school. It was a good day.         In Honors Human Geography we had to draw two different maps from our memory. We had to draw a world map and a map of how we get to school. The one where we draw how we get to school was easy from me because I walk to school so its not that far. Mr. Schick finally got an AC unit in his room so now it is cool and people can't complain. Now people are probably going to start complaining about how cold it is.
        Today was probably the best day that I have had at The John Carroll School so far. I practically had two off mods because in Honors Human Geography, Mr. Schick let us do home work in his class but i'll get to that later. When I woke up this morning I was very tired after the weekend and it was hard for me to get up. Eventually I had to force myself up because I am home alone in the mornings and if I didn't wake up then there would be no one to wake me up. I got up and took a shower and was excited for my first period off mod. In that off mod I studied my prayer which I needed to memorize for Honor Spanish. I studied that and later in the I presented it and got a 100%. I went home and my dad had to come home from work late today, so when he got home we had to leave a half-hour later to go to weight training. When I got home I started to write my blog and that's where I am right now. Let's transition into the next paragraph about the best class, Honors Human Geogr
        Today was a pretty good day. I ate cereal this morning for the first time in a while and it was alright. One of the tests I took yesterday that I was nervous about got an A. The two other tests are still not graded so the suspense is killing me. I have never talked about this before but for a for a while I've been waiting for the shipment of John Carroll Polos to ship in. I cant wait until they come in because I put my order in on orientation. I cant wait until I can start wearing it in school. The first baseball practice today and it went well. I made some nice plays on the field. I didn't hit very well though because the machine was set to 85 MPH. I had one hit and it was pretty good. My team one the game that me played and we didn't have to clean up. Its pretty funny because I have typed most of this blog without looking.         In Honors Human Geography we had a pretty good class. I like having Human Geography before lunch because I like the class and then hav
        Today on this blog I'm going to switch it up a bit. I usually type how my day went first and then how Human Geography went but I'm going to flip flop it today. So in Honors Human Geography we had a pretty hard test. I was the first person to finish and it was kind of scary. Everyone was working and I was finished so I think I might have gotten a bad grade on it. I'm nervous to see the results. I also got caught playing a game on my computer. I thought it would be okay to play a game because I finished my test and I didn't what else to do. Mr. Schick let it slide this time but next time it will be a detention. I decided I'd write my blog which is what I'm doing right now and thats why I cant write about how my day went because I haven't gotten through it yet. I'm just nervous about the grade I got on this test.         My day started off great because I ate a little bit of my chocolate cake. It was probably the best breakfast I've had in a w
        I had a very good day today. It was sad though knowing that it was 9/11. I didn't even know that 9/11 was today but I saw people posting about it and I realized. I don't have any family members that have been effected by this terrible day but I always remember the people that died today and pray for their loved ones. Besides 9/11 I had a good day and my walk home was good so thats always good as well. I'm also happy because baseball practices for John Carroll are every Wednesday now so I can hangout with the baseball people every Wednesday. I've been trying to get straight A's this quarter and I'm doing pretty well so far. Currently I have two B's but I'm going to bring those up and just keep my grades up for the rest of the quarter. I've never had straight A's before but this year I have the desire to work well. John Carroll has already changed me as a student and I'm very happy about this.          In Human Geography we talked abou
        Today was a pretty good day. It wasn't raining or anything so I had no problem walking. I only had to walk to school, I didn't have to walk back because I had a orthodontist appointment. They did something very different to what I'm from what I'm used too. They put one chain under another one. The chain is supposed to close the gaps in my teeth so they had to to put two on this time. Its a lot different and its already starting to hurt. Its cool because when they put these new chains on they are a lot tighter and already closed my gap. Its kind of scary though because when I was leaving the orthodontist told me not to plain with the chains too much because they might break, thats how tight they are. I'm glad that my gap is closed so it was pretty good day.         In Human Geography I had a pretty good class. Mr. Schick hasn't entered any grades yet and would like to see what I have in his class. At the beginning of class I talked to Mr. Schick about ba
        Today was another ok day. It was raining today but not when I was on my way to school. The day started off great with a first period off mod. All of my morning classes went great but after lunch I started to get the same fatigue that I had yesterday. I was also worried because the rain started to pick up and I was scared that I wouldn't be able to get home because I walk. Lucky enough I asked my fellow Saint Margaret graduate, Vlad Chervenkov, for a ride and they took me home. I am very lucky that they did so. I was pretty bummed that it was raining because I was supposed to go to batting practice with the John Carroll baseball team.         Human Geography was ok today. I was just very tired because it was in the second half of the day. At the beginning of the class one of our students explained that he left his laptop at home. When he told Mr. Schick that he didn't have his laptop, I checked if I had mine. It was weird because when I looked for it I didn't see it
        Today wasn't one of the best days for me. I was really tired all day and sore as well. Over the weekend I rode four wheelers most of the time and this caused my legs to be really sore. Yesterday I also rolled my go-cart and it hurt a a little. My seat belt was broken and it is the kind that goes over both arms and buckles in the middle. The buckle doesn't work anymore so I just put it around my arms. I was going down a hill and went for the hardest I possibly could. I yanked the wheel and I started to roll. The seat belt held me in but not very well so I put my hands up and touched the ground. That was really dumb because when I did that the go-cart rolled over my hand. My leg also slammed against the roll bar and now I have a big bruise on my shin. I was sore for those reasons and it didn't help that I was really tired as well.          I had a pretty good day in human geo. I always do have a pretty good time there because it is my favorite class and normally the